Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Being Crafty

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm not much of a crafter.  However, I see amazing things all the time on pinterest and it makes me want to be a crafter.  So, here's a quick glimpse of one of my latest crafts, totally inspired by pinterest!

Being the non-crafter that I am, I quickly realized I totally screwed it up!  I figured since the max number of days a month has is 31, that I should only use 31 squares.  But, I failed to remember that calendars typically use Sunday as the first day in the top left corner.  Opps!  One day I may add some more squares, but until then I'll just have to change the order of days at the top each month! 

If you want to make your own Dry Erase Calendar, here's what you'll need:

1.  a large photo frame  (I got mine at Wal-Mart for about $6.00)
2.  paint color samples (I got mine from Wal-Mart...FREE!  I did have to cut them down to size)
3.  Dry erase markers  (I got a two pack at Wal-Mart for $2.49)
4.  Some type of paper for the back ground.  I used silver gift wrap (I got mine at Hobby Lobby for $5.99, but I printed off a 40% off coupon prior to shopping so only spent $3.59)
5.  Tape  (surely you have some tape laying around)

All I did was tape the wrapping paper to the back board of the frame.  Then, I placed the squares evenly on top.  Once they were arranged to my satisfaction, I taped them down.  Last, write in the info of the current month!  Easy peasy!

I am in a mild panic that the year is almost over and I have not even come close to crossing off every item on my yearly goal list.  One item is to give my kitchen desk space a face lift.  That's where this item comes to place!  The desk is still a hot mess, so Greg is refusing to hang my calender until it has been tidyed up.  I made it about two weeks ago.  So, lets just say the calendar is leaning up between said hot mess and my home lap top.  Pics will be posted when it gets a proper make over!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I LOVE this!! I want a dry erase board so bad because we have so many stinking activites BUT I want to be able to customize how I want. What a great idea! Thanks!
And I know what you mean about a hot mess. I decided on a whim to take down my kitchen decor but the stuff I want to use has been primed for over a year and has yet to be painted. it sits against the wall. I can't do the dry erase board before I get the other items refinished. post a pic of your finished space!