Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting...The Food Files

I'm still worried that in a few short days my blog may disappear to never-never land, but I figured I'd link up for Wednesday's blog party anyway!

One of my most despised house-hold tasks is to come up with a menu each week.  Luckily, pinterest has proved to be a wealth of inspiration and (most of the time) yummy recipes!  Here are pins of all the recipes I've tried and fallen in love with:

To get any of these delicious recipe's just click on the picture!  You will need a pinterest account to do so.  Don't have a pinterest account?  Comment me your email addy and I'll send you an invite! 

'Til next time, Happy Pinning!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I need blog help!!!

To my fellow bloggers:  I got an email saying I needed to switch over my legacy blogger account to a google account by May 31st, or my blog would be lost (or something like that).  I did the change, but it didn't swap over my blog.....My new "blog" has none of my old post, or the blogs I follow.  Has anyone else had to do this?

I tried looking for help but Google is not very helpful...Just wondering...I really don't want to loose all my old blog posts  :(