Friday afternoon my brother and his family arrived at our house. Parker finally got to meet an aunt, uncle, and some of his cousins! We had a pretty laid back weekend with our company. Lots of walks through the neighborhood and just hanging out.
Our company headed back home on Monday with the exception of my sweet eleven year old niece, Braylee. She stayed the week with us. I was worried when she asked us a few months ago if she could stay with us that she might get bored. That feeling escalated once I actually had Parker and learned how time-consuming breast feeding is. However, on Tuesday I learned that Braylee had never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. Luckily a friend of mine happened to own all six movies and she was generous enough to let me borrow them. The rest of our week consisted of a Harry Potter marathon! Although, I think by the time we were on the sixth movie, Braylee was a little tired of watching wizards and witches! I also introduced Braylee to a game that I was recently introduced too: chickenfoot! It's played with dominoes and oh so fun! Anytime Parker was sleeping we would sneak down to the basement to play as many rounds as we could. I love playing games; Greg, not so much. So it was nice to finally be able to use the domino set I recently purchased!
We have a cherry tree in our back yard that is producing the most delicious cherries! Needless to say, Bray did her fair share of cherry picking while she was here, too! One day I thought it would be fun to have a little beauty session, so we slathered masks on our faces, painted our toe nails, and gave our hands a much needed sugar scrub! Above all, Braylee was great with Parker! She would talk to him, read him books, and even volunteer to change poopy diapers! She was quite the little helper as far as house works goes, too! She was great at washing dishes and loading the dishwasher, and she even cleaned the downstairs bathroom twice without me asking her to do so! I know when I was eleven years old I would have never thought to do that! David and Karen are definitely raising her right!
On Sunday we all loaded up in the truck and went to Denver to deliver her to my brother. Since we no longer have to budget for a trailer payment each month, we are now able to get back on the ball with remodeling our house!!! And since this house has two rooms that we've never had before (a formal dining room and a second living room) that also means we have some furniture shopping to do! One item on our list was a china cabinet. Not because I'm fancy enough to actually own china, but I do have a small crystal collection that I'm quite proud of! Greg scoured Craigslist since he knew we would be in the Denver area and while we were up there we made our first successful Craigslist purchase! A china cabinet for $100. With a little paint and new hardware it'll be perfect! I'll try to be sure to take before and after pics and post them on here!
Like I said, we had a great week!
P.S. This is one way that an eleven year old entertains an eight week old! Too funny! Can you say overstimulation?